Several weeks ago I found a Sandhill Crane sitting on the ground on the far edge of a wetland.
Fledglings are birds that have left the nest but are still being cared for by their parents.
My son Eddie spotted this leucistic Wild Turkey last week while our family was on vacation in the Great Smoky Mountains in Tennessee.
Bird identification can be challenging, but few birds are trickier to identify than flycatchers in the genus Empidonax - the genus is often called the "bane of birdwatchers."
This Savannah Sparrow posed nicely for me last week. They're fairly common across most of North America, but I don't usually get so close to them with my camera.
I was excited to see a Mississippi Kite last week while I was looking for birds in western Pennsylvania. Mississippi Kites usually nest in the southern United States, from Arizona to South Carolina.
I found a grebe nest a few weeks ago, which was a first for me, and it reminded me of how weird grebes are. The most common grebe in Pennsylvania is the Pied-billed Grebe.
Yellow Warblers are such a bright yellow that they seem to glow. I've been seeing a lot of them this week.
I've been enjoying some time this year watching birds in western Pennsylvania near one of the only places in the state where cranes nest, including Sandhill Cranes.
I've been enjoying some time this year watching birds in western Pennsylvania near one of the only places in the state where cranes nest, including Sandhill Cranes.