Time to Put Out Nest Boxes: Eastern Bluebirds

If you want to see Eastern Bluebirds nesting in your yard this year, you should make sure you have a nest box set up ASAP.  Bluebirds are already looking for where they want to build a nest this spring.  I’ve been watching a battle this week among bluebirds, House Sparrows, and Tree Swallows, all trying to claim one of the two nest boxes I have in my front yard.  Unfortunately, the House Sparrows are uncontested in controlling the box in my back yard.

Bluebirds benefit from having food available near their nest box, but you don’t want the box to be too close to your feeders.  It’s not good for your bluebirds to have too many other birds right next to their nest.  In addition to mealworms, bluebirds love Bark Butter, Bark Butter Bits, suet, fruit, and sunflower chips (on their own or in a blend like No-Mess).

Eastern Bluebird (male)

Eastern Bluebird (male) in Dan’s yard (February 2023)

Eastern Bluebird (female)

Eastern Bluebird (female) in Dan’s yard (June 2023)

Eastern Bluebird (male)

Eastern Bluebird (male) in Dan’s yard (February 2023)

Time to Put Out Nest Boxes: Eastern Bluebirds

If you want to see Eastern Bluebirds nesting in your yard this year, you should make sure you have a nest box set up ASAP.  Bluebirds are already looking for where they want to build a nest this spring.  I’ve been watching a battle this week among bluebirds, House Sparrows, and Tree Swallows, all trying to claim one of the two nest boxes I have in my front yard.  Unfortunately, the House Sparrows are uncontested in controlling the box in my back yard.

Bluebirds benefit from having food available near their nest box, but you don’t want the box to be too close to your feeders.  It’s not good for your bluebirds to have too many other birds right next to their nest.  In addition to mealworms, bluebirds love Bark Butter, Bark Butter Bits, suet, fruit, and sunflower chips (on their own or in a blend like No-Mess).

Eastern Bluebird (female)

Eastern Bluebird (female) in Dan’s yard (June 2023)

About The Author

Dan Hinnebusch is the Ornithologist for Wild Birds Unlimited. Click to learn more.