Pine Warblers nest across most of the eastern United States, as well as parts of southeastern Canada, almost exclusively in forests dominated by pines.
It's really starting to feel like fall. In addition to the cooler weather, there have been some major changes in our local bird communities.
The peak of this year's fall songbird migration has now passed, but there are still some beautiful birds passing through.
Birds will come to bird feeders at all times of the year, but be prepared to see a slow-down in their food consumption over the next few weeks.
Eight species of thrashers nest in the United States, but only one is found east of the Mississippi River.
Across North and South America, no family of birds has more species than the 441 species of Tyrant Flycatchers.
My wife Melissa and I just celebrated our anniversary. That reminded me of a trip we took to Wyoming years ago on our anniversary.
You're probably seeing many young European Starlings in your yard this time of year.